Описание 234-3931: Pin Assembly:
Cat® Pin Assembly (Flag Pin)
Description: Pin assemblies are heavy duty service components for Cat work tools. Quality you expect for your equipment. Attributes:• Welded plate and surface hardened pin assembly• Paint color: Cat yellow• Pin Diameter: 89.85 mm (3.54 in)• Pin Length: 558 mm (21.97 in)• Slotted mounting hole for ease of assembly• With puller threadsApplication:Used in bucket linkage groups. Consult your owner’s manual or contact your local Cat Dealer for more information.
Совместимые модели:
forest products548 558
329D2 330F L 326F 325D 329D L 320D2 L 323D2 L 330D2 330F 325D L 336D L 324D 326D2 L 336E L 326D2 330D2 L 329E L 329D2 L 329F L 324D L 329D 324D FM 320D L 324E L 330D L 323E SA 330 GC 329E 320D2 GC 328D LCR 320E L 320D 320D LRR 330C L 320D LN 326F L 324D LN 330 329D LN 320D FM 323D L 323D LN 320D RR 320D2 325F 325F LCR 320E 323E LN 323E L 324E 323D SA 326F LN 335F 330F LN 320D GC 335F LCR 326D L 329E LN 323D 324E LN 325D FM 320E LN
work tool
PIN GRAB G115B G145B G120B G112B G130B G165B G185B G107B G125B
320D2 326D2 324D 329D2 329D