Описание 9M-1503: Ring-Seal:
Cat® Seal Ring
Description:Cat transmission service components allow replacement of seal rings during repair or rebuild of planetary groups. Quality you expect for your equipment.Attributes:• Cast iron ring seal with rectangular hooks• Outside diameter: 177.8 mm (7.0 in)• Thickness: 3.14 mm (0.12 in)Application: Ring seals are application specific. Consult your owner’s manual or contact your local Cat Dealer for more information.
Совместимые модели:
earthmoving compactor825K 836 826K 826G 826C 836G 825 826H 836K 836H 825C 826G II 825G II 825H 825G
motor grader
12F 14E
wheel-type loader
950H 936 950G 980L 962H 988G 986K 986H 950G II 950B 950F II 980M 980H 966C 980F II 988B 980G II 950F 962G II 966M 962G 966H 980C 982M 966L 950E 980G 936E G936 936F 972K 966R 988K 962K 960F 980K 980F 950B/950E 980B 988H 980K HLG 988F II 950K 966K 980 988F
track-type skidder
wheel dozer
834B 834U 824K 824C 834K 834G 834H 834S 824S 824H 824G II 824G
off-highway truck
776D 769D 793F XQ 789 793C 793F OEM 789C 777C 777G 777D 770G 770 785B 776 789D 771D 772G 793F 793 769C 771C 777 777E 785C 785D 768C 785G 789B 69D 793F CMD 772G OEM 793B 776B 785 773GC 770G OEM 776C 777F 772 784B 793D 777B 784C
underground articulated truck
AD45 AD30 AD55 AE40 AD45B AD40 AE40 II
571G 561M 572G 589 561N
integrated toolcarrier
track-type loader
977K 977L 951 955 983B
wheel tractor-scraper
637 627B 637E 627 639D 637D 650B 627E 637B 637G 641B 631E 627G 651E 613C 651B 613G 637K 627H 657G 666B 627K LRC 627F 657E 613C II 660B 627K 657B
articulated dump truck
740B D400 740 D350E II D400D D35HP D40D D44B 735 D400E D400E II 735 OEM 735B D350E D550B
track-type tractor
9 D6D D6N D10T2 D6C D5N 55 D6G2 LGP D5M D6M 8 D10R D8L 8U D7G D10N 59 D5H D9R 5P D7G2 6S 8A 58L D9T 9C 153 D6N OEM 10 9U D7F 163 9S 8S D9N D6E D5R2 10SU 59L D6N LGP 59N D5H XL D6G2 XL D5R XL 58 D5R LGP D6N XL 4 9SU D6G D9L 5S 5 10U 5A D10T D4H III D4H XL 6A
load, haul, dump
R3000H R1300G R2900G R2900 R1300G II R1300
oem solutions
966H 980L 980H