Описание 7I-8171: Ring-Back Up:
Cat® Back-up Ring
Description:Cat back-up rings are thin rings that are designed to prevent extrusion of lip seals, o-rings, and reciprocating shaft seals under pressure.Attributes:• ID: 21 mm (0.826 in)• Cross section height: 1.7 mm (0.07 in)• Cross section width: 2 mm (0.08 in)Application:Service component for hydraulic pump groups of Cat heavy duty equipment. Consult your owner's manual or contact your local Cat Dealer for more information.
Совместимые модели:
forest products345C
wheel-type loader
966M 972M 966L 972L
wheeled excavator
M330D W345C MH
350 L 330D L 349D L 352FMHPU 349E L VG 349E L 336D2 GC 330D MH 349D2 L 345C L 336D L 336D2 330 GC 349F 349D2 345C MH 349F L 350-A L 340 336D LN 336D2 L 336 GC 336 336D 330D FM 336E L 345 GC 349E 340D L 349F LXE 352F 345D L 336E 350-A 345D L VG 568 FM LL 345C 568 FM 330 345D 349E L HVG 336E HVG 352F-VG 336E LN 349D 330D 340D2 L 352F XE VG 330D LN 352F OEM
load, haul, dump
349D2 336D2 349D 349D2L 336D2L