Описание 227-0590: Breather Group:
Cat® Breather Group (Hydraulic Tank)
Description:Provides a filtered vent for the hydraulic tank. This allows air to flow in and out of the tank as needed with the change in fluid levels within the tank.Attributes:• Cast aluminum breather• Flange diameter: 90 mm (3.54 in)• Hole interface diameter: 31 mm (1.22 in)• O-ring groove• Cat parts are manufactured to precise specifications and are built for durability, reliability, productivity, less environmental impact, and reuse.Application:Consult your owner’s manual or contact your local Cat Dealer for more information
Совместимые модели:
forest products345C
material handler
M325D L MH M325D MH
wheeled excavator
M330D W345C MH
318D2 L 323D L 328D LCR 336D2 L 323D2 L 326D2 336D L 313D2 320D2 330D 314D LCR 345D 320D FM 321D LCR 330D LN 330D L 313D2 GC 349D L 326D2 L M325D L MH 329D2 L 345C L 345D L 312D2 336D LN 320D LN 329D L 329D 319D LN 336D2 GC 315D L 336D2 XE 320D2 GC 325D FM 312D L 324D LN 349D2 320D L 349D2 L 320D LRR 313D 324D FM 323D S 325D L 313F GC 329D LN 325D MH 336D2 323D2 323D LN 324D L 320D 345C 345C MH 330D FM 330D2 L 336D 320D RR 312D 312D2 L 320D2 L 318D L 313F LGC 340D2 L 319D L 319D 330D MH 323D 311D LRR 320D FM RR 329D2 325D 345D L VG 312D2 GC 336D2 L XE 326D L 320D GC 314D CR 318D2 320D3 324D 313D2 LGP 311F LRR 330D2 349D 320D2 FM 336D2 LXE 340D L 323D3 M325D MH 324D FM LL 323D SA 325D FM LL 312F GC
313D2 320D2 320D 326D2 336D 336D2 349D2 324D 329D 329D2 349D2L 349D